Download Claudia Shows in MP3 | Income Tax | March 12, 1948 | A Snack at Four AM | March 15, 1948 | What To Do With The Barn | March 16, 1948 | The Tree Surgeon | March 17, 1948 | Waiting for the Train | March 19, 1948 | Shopping for the Baby | March 22, 1948 | Finding a Farmer | March 23, 1948 | Laundry Problems | March 24, 1948 | The Interior Decorator | March 25, 1948 | The Flower Seller | March 26, 1948 | Renting the Apartment | March 29, 1948 | Jeffrey Pays a Visit | March 30, 1948 | The Night Clubbers | March 31, 1948 | April Fools' Day | April 1, 1948 | Finding the Stateroom | April 2, 1948 | Hiring a Maid | April 5, 1948 | Opening the Safe | April 6, 1948 | Dinner with Aunt Louisa | April 7, 1948 | Browsing the Catalog | April 8, 1948 | Vacuums and Mailboxes | April 9, 1948 | The Moving Men | April 12, 1948 | An Important Banquet | April 13, 1948 | Mama's Living Arrangements | April 14, 1948 | The Last Night in New York | April 15, 1948 | Driving to the New House | April 16, 1948 | Peaceful in the Country | April 19, 1948 | News of the Neighbors | April 20, 1948 | Egg Hunting | April 21, 1948 | In the Gloaming | April 22, 1948 | Hiring a Farmer | April 23, 1948 |
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