Download Challenge Of The Yukon Shows in MP3 | The Trail | October 30, 1945 | The Last Laugh | November 6, 1945 | The Irish Wolf Hound | November 13, 1945 | Father Donovan | November 20, 1945 | Long Fall Canyon | November 27, 1945 | The Bonanza Belle | December 4, 1945 | The Dachshund | December 11, 1945 | Christmas Present | December 18, 1945 | New Year's Eve | December 29, 1945 | The Epidemic | September 12, 1946 | Preston Goes To Jail | August 29, 1946 | The Bully | March 14, 1946 | The Mute Speaks | August 15, 1946 | The Silver Fox | August 1, 1946 | Beaver Dam | July 25, 1946 | Preston Breaks A Rule | July 18, 1946 | Flash | July 11, 1946 | The Pup That Ate Too Much | July 4, 1946 | The Sharp Shooter | June 27, 1946 | How Preston Got King | June 20, 1946 | The Great Dane | June 13, 1946 | Annie Jones | June 6, 1946 | The Mitten | May 30, 1946 | Chap | May 23, 1946 | Shrimp Togan | May 16, 1946 | Eskimo Justice | May 9, 1946 | Balmy Bill | May 2, 1946 | Rex | April 18, 1946 | Torn Parka | April 25, 1946 | The Return Of Pete Hunt | April 4, 1946 |
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