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Texas CowboysJuly 12, 1954
Hack PrineJuly 5, 1954
Word of HonorJuly 3, 1954
ClaustrophobiaJune 26, 1954
Going BadJune 19, 1954
The Cover UpJune 12, 1954
Blacksmith - Guest Star Vic PerrinJune 5, 1954
FeudMay 29, 1954
MonopolyMay 22, 1954
Last FlingFebruary 20, 1954
The KillerFebruary 13, 1954
Big BroadFebruary 6, 1954
GunsmugglerJanuary 30, 1954
NinaJanuary 23, 1954
The BearJanuary 16, 1954
Jokes on UsJanuary 9, 1954
Stage HoldupJanuary 2, 1954
Born to Hang - Guest Star Joseph KearnsApril 23, 1955
Chesters HangingFebruary 12, 1955
The Trial - Guest Star John DehnerMarch 12, 1955
Bloody HandsApril 2, 1955
CheyennesFebruary 5, 1955
Kites RewardMarch 5, 1955
Reward for MattApril 30, 1955
Poor PearlFebruary 19, 1955
Young LoveJanuary 29, 1955
Crack Up - Guest Star John DehnerFebruary 26, 1955
Horse DealMarch 26, 1955
Skid RowApril 9, 1955
Potato RoadMay 7, 1955
Show Name Date Aired

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