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Mystery HotelMay 4, 1955
DroughtMay 9, 1955
Stolen MoneyMay 13, 1955
The ReinforcementsMay 16, 1955
P.T. Barnum Goes WestMay 18, 1955
Hero's GraveMay 30, 1955
The Pony RidersJune 15, 1955
The Great Doctor PickensJune 16, 1955
Left-Handed KillerJune 17, 1955
The Thunder RodJune 20, 1955
Bucky Hooker's CaptivesJune 21, 1955
The Ghost RidersJune 22, 1955
Horse ThievesJune 23, 1955
Trapped By FateJune 24, 1955
Scout Sounds the AlarmJune 27, 1955
The WinnerJune 28, 1955
A Change at Circle-BJune 29, 1955
Jud Jackson's PlanJune 30, 1955
The Lanky OutlawJuly 1, 1955
Tom Fuller's BoyJuly 4, 1955
Mountain SiegeJuly 5, 1955
Trouble-ShootingJuly 6, 1955
Pledge To A Dead ManJuly 7, 1955
The Ghost RidersJuly 8, 1955
Horse ThievesJuly 11, 1955
Trapped By FateJuly 13, 1955
Scout Sounds The AlarmJuly 15, 1955
The WinnerJuly 18, 1955
Trouble ShootingJuly 29, 1955
PursuitAugust 1, 1955
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