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The Will To PowerJanuary 9, 1947
End of the RoadFebruary 6, 1947
The Thirteenth SoundFebruary 13, 1947
Tree of LifeJanuary 2, 1947
Always Room At The TopFebruary 20, 1947
You Take BallisticsMarch 13, 1947
The Swift Rise of Eddie AlbrightApril 3, 1947
The Clock And The RopeDecember 5, 1947
One Hundred In The Dark-East CoastNovember 20, 1947
The Pit And The PendulumNovember 28, 1947
RaibouchinskaNovember 13, 1947
Dream SongNovember 6, 1947
Self-DefenseOctober 16, 1947
The Man Who Liked DickensOctober 9, 1947
The Story of Markham's DeathOctober 2, 1947
The Blue HourSeptember 25, 1947
The VisitorSeptember 18, 1947
The TwistSeptember 11, 1947
Double UglyAugust 28, 1947
Murder Aboard The AlphabetAugust 21, 1947
SmileyAugust 14, 1947
Quiet DesperationAugust 7, 1947
MortmainJuly 31, 1947
Murder By An ExpertJuly 24, 1947
Stand InJune 12, 1947
Dead of NightJune 19, 1947
Make Mad The GuiltyJune 5, 1947
A Thing of BeautyMay 29, 1947
Knight Comes RidingMay 22, 1947
Lady In DistressMay 1, 1947
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