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The Sailing of the Mayflower (Repeat of 10)June 13, 1948
Impeachment of Andrew JohnsonJune 20, 1948
The Execution of Mary, Queen of ScotsJune 27, 1948
The Declaration of Independence (repeat of part 23)July 4, 1948
Lexington, Concord and Merriams CornerAugust 22, 1948
The Execution of Joan of Arc (Repeat of 20)August 29, 1948
The Ratification of the US ConstitutionSeptember 19, 1948
Ann Hutchinson's TrialSeptember 26, 1948
The First Battle of Bull RunOctober 3, 1948
Columbus Discovers AmericaOctober 10, 1948
The Trial of Marie AntoinetteOctober 17, 1948
The Witchcraft Trials at SalemJanuary 4, 1948
The Election of Thomas JeffersonOctober 31, 1948
Lee and Grant at AppamatoxNovember 7, 1948
Napoleon Recaptured and ExiledNovember 14, 1948
Assassination of Lincoln (repeat of 01 and 09)November 21, 1948
Execution of MaximillianDecember 5, 1948
The Conspiracy of CatalineDecember 12, 1948
The Hanging of Captain KiddDecember 19, 1948
Burr-Hamilton Duel (1st Half Only)January 11, 1948
The Surrender of Sitting Bull (repeat of ep 28)January 2, 1949
The Sentencing of Charles IJanuary 9, 1949
Mutiny in the Colonial ArmyJanuary 16, 1949
Toussaint L'ouverture LiberatesJanuary 23, 1949
Colonel Johnson Eats the Love AppleJanuary 30, 1949
The Trial of John Peter ZengerFebruary 6, 1949
The Battle of HastingsFebruary 13, 1949
The Ordeal of SavonarolaFebruary 20, 1949
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson (May 16, 1868) (repeat 35)February 27, 1949
The Rise of Alexander the GreatMarch 6, 1949
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