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The Blonde MenaceApril 9, 1935
The Midnight PhantomApril 16, 1935
Whole MurderApril 23, 1935
The Corpse in the CellarApril 30, 1935
The Wilting ChrysanthemumMay 7, 1935
Murder in the VineyardMay 14, 1935
The 74 Day StakeoutMay 15, 1935
The Hightower CaseMay 21, 1935
Youth Rides ToughMay 28, 1935
Innocent BrideJune 4, 1935
Hot BondsJune 11, 1935
Chinese PuzzleJune 18, 1935
The Corpse in the Red NecktieNovember 19, 1936
The Sea MurderSeptember 24, 1936
Twenty Keys to DeathSeptember 10, 1936
All That GlittersAugust 27, 1936
Body Whos Got the BodyAugust 20, 1936
Missing MessengerAugust 13, 1936
Opium and Dough Don't MixAugust 6, 1936
Chance Meeting MurderJuly 30, 1936
Corpse in the ShackJuly 23, 1936
The Cockeyed KillerJuly 16, 1936
The Crimson RiddleJuly 9, 1936
Flaming Tick of DeathJuly 2, 1936
Reefers by the AcreJune 25, 1936
Gold in Them HillsJune 11, 1936
Drive Em off the DockJune 5, 1936
The Throat That Didnt BleedMay 29, 1936
The Triple CrossMay 22, 1936
The 74 Day StakeoutMay 15, 1936
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