Download My Favorite Husband Shows in MP3 | Charity Bazaar Kissing Booth | August 13, 1948 | Liz Teaches the Samba | August 20, 1948 | Liz's Mother's Has Second Thoughts | September 3, 1948 | Making Friends with General Timberlake | September 17, 1948 | Knitting Baby Booties | September 24, 1948 | Learning to Drive | November 13, 1948 | George Attends a Teenage Dance | November 20, 1948 | Is There a Baby in the House? | November 27, 1948 | First Show - Meet George & Liz | July 23, 1948 | 10th Wedding Anniversary - Audition | July 5, 1948 | Katy and Roscoe | November 6, 1948 | Numerology | December 25, 1948 | First Show - Meet George and Liz | August 06, 1948 | Liz's New Dress | December 18, 1948 | Be Your Husband's Best Friend | December 4, 1948 | Young Matron League Tryouts | October 2, 1948 | Vacation Time | April 29, 1949 | Liz and George Reminisce | July 1, 1949 | Katy the Maid and Mr. Negley | November 18, 1949 | Charity Review | March 11, 1949 | Liz Goes on a Schedule | April 22, 1949 | Getting Old | May 20, 1949 | Liz's Operation in the Hospital | May 27, 1949 | The Elves | September 2, 1949 | Locked in the Attic | September 23, 1949 | George Tries for a Raise | October 7, 1949 | Liz and George Order a TV Set | October 14, 1949 | College Homecoming | December 2, 1949 | Liz Stands Up for Her Rights | April 08, 1949 | Secretarial School | February 18, 1949 |
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