Download Cavalcade Of America Shows in MP3 | I Sing A New World | March 19, 1941 | Black Rust | March 12, 1941 | Edgar Allen Poe | February 26, 1941 | Abraham Lincoln The War Years | February 12, 1941 | Henry Clay of Kentucky | February 5, 1941 | Will Rogers | January 1, 1941 | Torpedo Lane | November 9, 1942 | In The Best Tradition | October 26, 1942 | I Was Married On Bataan | October 5, 1942 | Juarez Thunder From The Mountain | September 28, 1942 | Eagle To Britain | September 21, 1942 | Honorable Joseph Crew Speech | September 14, 1942 | The Prophet Without Honor | August 31, 1942 | The Giant In The Meadow | August 24, 1942 | This Is Our Exile | August 3, 1942 | A Continental Uniform | April 13, 1942 | Arrowsmith | February 23, 1942 | Captains of the Clouds | February 2, 1942 | Tomorrow And Tomorrow | January 26, 1942 | An American Is Born | January 19, 1942 | The Gentleman From Paris | January 12, 1942 | Valley Forge | January 5, 1942 | A Child Is Born | December 21, 1942 | The Man Who Wouldn't Be President | December 14, 1942 | Feast From the Harvest | November 23, 1942 | The Eagle's Nest | December 28, 1942 | Between Them Both | January 4, 1943 | Soldiers of the Tide | January 8, 1943 | Diary On A Pig Boat | January 11, 1943 | Soldier of the Tide | January 18, 1943 |
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