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Ulysses In LoveDecember 12, 1950
Greeley of the TribuneFebruary 6, 1951
A Duel With Aunt RebeccaMay 8, 1951
Boiled ShirtsNovember 6, 1951
Path of PraiseNovember 20, 1951
Day They Gave Babies AwayDecember 25, 1951
Night Without A PresidentJanuary 29, 1952
Years OldMarch 18, 1952
The Melody ManSeptember 2, 1952
Gig of the SaginawSeptember 30, 1952
One Way OutOctober 7, 1952
Life On The MississippiFebruary 24, 1953
A Time to GrowMarch 31, 1953
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