Download Couple Next Door, The Shows in MP3 | The Dentist Bill | March 20, 1958 | The Claytons Come to See the Home | March 21, 1958 | Second Thoughts About Betsy | March 19, 1958 | Contest for Trip to Hawaii | March 18, 1958 | Elsa and Hubby Dropin for a Visit | March 14, 1958 | The New Dress | March 13, 1958 | The Pencil Sharpener | March 11, 1958 | Negotiating the Price | March 12, 1958 | Asking Betsy to Pose | March 10, 1958 | The Driver's Test | March 7, 1958 | The School Bus | March 6, 1958 | Betsy the Model | March 5, 1958 | The Ant Farm | March 3, 1958 | The Long Distance Call | March 4, 1958 | The Broken Dish | February 28, 1958 | Looking at Appartments | February 27, 1958 | Painting of Ancestor | February 26, 1958 | Taking Coat off Trick | February 25, 1958 | Betsy Wants to be a Hollyhock | February 24, 1958 | Problems With the Lake Property | February 21, 1958 | Waiting Outside Department Store | February 20, 1958 | Helping Mrs. Haines | February 18, 1958 | Meeting Mr. Rogers | February 19, 1958 | Betsy Runs Away | February 17, 1958 | Looking at Lakefront Property | February 14, 1958 | Going Out for the Evening | February 13, 1958 | Signing the Papers | February 12, 1958 | House for Sale | February 10, 1958 | To Sell or Not to Sell | February 11, 1958 | Getting Rid of Things | February 7, 1958 |
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