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Painting PartyNovember 18, 1958
Bad PublicityAugust 20, 1958
Delay Because of Birds NestAugust 19, 1958
Trouble With HouseworkJuly 25, 1958
Selling Christmas CardsAugust 12, 1958
Changing House PlansJuly 18, 1958
Surprise Birthday PartyNovember 25, 1958
British Thermal UnitsJuly 16, 1958
Trouble with Aunt MarthaJuly 15, 1958
Aunt Martha Comes to HelpJuly 14, 1958
Daddy Sleeps in the TentJuly 11, 1958
The TentJuly 9, 1958
Betsy Fixes LunchJuly 10, 1958
Unknown GuestJuly 8, 1958
SunburnJuly 4, 1958
Wallpaper Paste EatenNovember 19, 1958
Betsy's Weekend GuestJuly 3, 1958
Talks to Child PsychiatristJuly 2, 1958
Betsy Resents the BabyJuly 1, 1958
Birthday Party at 4 amJune 27, 1958
False AlarmJune 30, 1958
Doll DonationJune 26, 1958
Foundation TroubleJune 25, 1958
Piano Lessons for BetsyJune 24, 1958
Early AmericanJune 23, 1958
Charlie Helps With the CowsJune 19, 1958
Transplanting TreesJune 20, 1958
48 Hours to Get Rid of the CowsJune 18, 1958
Cows in YardJune 17, 1958
Paint Color SelectedNovember 14, 1958
Show Name Date Aired

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