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Last Night of the TourJune 3, 1959
Birth Certificate ProblemJune 4, 1959
Proof of Aunt Effies BirthJune 5, 1959
Learns of Short Story ChangesJune 8, 1959
Assembling Dinosaur ModelJune 9, 1959
Luggage RulesJune 10, 1959
Using Maple Syrup for VarnishJune 11, 1959
Exterminator CalledJune 12, 1959
Betsy Learns Golden RuleJune 15, 1959
Buddy's Job PlansJune 16, 1959
No Travel Reservations MadeJune 17, 1959
Too Many ReservationsJune 18, 1959
Unwanted GuestsJune 19, 1959
Alarm Set for 4amJune 22, 1959
Buried Money Dug UpJune 23, 1959
Shipwreck WorriesJune 24, 1959
Setting off FireworksJune 25, 1959
Police Trouble over FireworksJune 26, 1959
Invitation from NeighborJune 29, 1959
Snake for BetsyJune 30, 1959
Trying to Lay RugJuly 1, 1959
Heat on in the HouseJuly 2, 1959
Aunt Effie to Share RoomJuly 3, 1959
Stranded on an IslandJuly 6, 1959
Nobody Misses the PipersJuly 7, 1959
Mrs Piper in Hot WaterJuly 8, 1959
Meeting the English NeighborJuly 9, 1959
Installing a Buzzer SystemJuly 10, 1959
Not Enough Money for TripJuly 13, 1959
To Sell Stamp CollectionJuly 14, 1959
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