Download Couple Next Door, The Shows in MP3 | Last Night of the Tour | June 3, 1959 | Birth Certificate Problem | June 4, 1959 | Proof of Aunt Effies Birth | June 5, 1959 | Learns of Short Story Changes | June 8, 1959 | Assembling Dinosaur Model | June 9, 1959 | Luggage Rules | June 10, 1959 | Using Maple Syrup for Varnish | June 11, 1959 | Exterminator Called | June 12, 1959 | Betsy Learns Golden Rule | June 15, 1959 | Buddy's Job Plans | June 16, 1959 | No Travel Reservations Made | June 17, 1959 | Too Many Reservations | June 18, 1959 | Unwanted Guests | June 19, 1959 | Alarm Set for 4am | June 22, 1959 | Buried Money Dug Up | June 23, 1959 | Shipwreck Worries | June 24, 1959 | Setting off Fireworks | June 25, 1959 | Police Trouble over Fireworks | June 26, 1959 | Invitation from Neighbor | June 29, 1959 | Snake for Betsy | June 30, 1959 | Trying to Lay Rug | July 1, 1959 | Heat on in the House | July 2, 1959 | Aunt Effie to Share Room | July 3, 1959 | Stranded on an Island | July 6, 1959 | Nobody Misses the Pipers | July 7, 1959 | Mrs Piper in Hot Water | July 8, 1959 | Meeting the English Neighbor | July 9, 1959 | Installing a Buzzer System | July 10, 1959 | Not Enough Money for Trip | July 13, 1959 | To Sell Stamp Collection | July 14, 1959 |
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