Download Couple Next Door, The Shows in MP3 | Bobby Sitting in the Road | August 2, 1960 | Trouble Buying the Washer | August 3, 1960 | More Trouble with Salesmen | August 4, 1960 | Betsy Returns from Camp | August 5, 1960 | Try to Giving Away Washer | August 8, 1960 | Owls in the House | August 9, 1960 | Cough Medicine Problems | August 10, 1960 | The Give Away | August 11, 1960 | The Pipers Get Lost | August 12, 1960 | Betsy Is Hard to Take | August 15, 1960 | Car Troubles and No Money | August 16, 1960 | The Story Telling Problem | August 17, 1960 | Member of the Park Board | August 18, 1960 | Cant Get Rid of Washer | August 19, 1960 | Reading | August 22, 1960 | Judging a Baby Contest | August 23, 1960 | Parental Interference | August 24, 1960 | Betsy Wishes Daddy Fame | August 25, 1960 | Mrs Piper Mows the Lawn | August 26, 1960 | The Baby Contest Judging | August 29, 1960 | Fed up Waiting on People | August 30, 1960 | Yard Work High School Boy | August 31, 1960 | Betsy and Her Club Members | September 1, 1960 | Child Fair Organized Maybe | September 2, 1960 | Invited to Go Sailing | September 5, 1960 | Getting the Fair Organized | September 6, 1960 | Property Assessment | September 7, 1960 | Problems in the Basement | September 8, 1960 |
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