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Government Basic FactsFebruary 12, 1960
Poor Service and the TipFebruary 15, 1960
Pigeon Committee MeetingFebruary 16, 1960
Naming Cabinet MembersFebruary 17, 1960
Source of Poetic QuotationFebruary 18, 1960
Problems Painting BalloonsFebruary 19, 1960
Practicing the PianoFebruary 22, 1960
Sudden Interest in PoliticsFebruary 23, 1960
Mrs Pipers Civic ActivitiesFebruary 24, 1960
Household Upset with GroupFebruary 25, 1960
Playing with FireFebruary 26, 1960
Mrs. Piper Sued for SlanderFebruary 29, 1960
Mrs Piper Engages LawyerMarch 1, 1960
Ruining Political CareersMarch 2, 1960
Can't Find the Car KeysMarch 3, 1960
Reading About Other WomenMarch 4, 1960
In Bed with a Bad BackMarch 7, 1960
Lots Advice for Aching BackMarch 8, 1960
Making out Their WillsMarch 9, 1960
Importance of WillsMarch 10, 1960
Signing of the WillsMarch 11, 1960
X Rays of Mr Pipers BackMarch 14, 1960
Blood Is Thicker Than WaterMarch 15, 1960
1958 Tax Return AuditMarch 16, 1960
Family Wedding and ReunionMarch 17, 1960
An Embarrassing LessonMarch 18, 1960
Possible Trip to NorwayMarch 21, 1960
Lesson in ExaggerationMarch 22, 1960
Income Tax InspectorMarch 23, 1960
Tax Examination BeginsMarch 24, 1960
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