Download Couple Next Door, The Shows in MP3 | Government Basic Facts | February 12, 1960 | Poor Service and the Tip | February 15, 1960 | Pigeon Committee Meeting | February 16, 1960 | Naming Cabinet Members | February 17, 1960 | Source of Poetic Quotation | February 18, 1960 | Problems Painting Balloons | February 19, 1960 | Practicing the Piano | February 22, 1960 | Sudden Interest in Politics | February 23, 1960 | Mrs Pipers Civic Activities | February 24, 1960 | Household Upset with Group | February 25, 1960 | Playing with Fire | February 26, 1960 | Mrs. Piper Sued for Slander | February 29, 1960 | Mrs Piper Engages Lawyer | March 1, 1960 | Ruining Political Careers | March 2, 1960 | Can't Find the Car Keys | March 3, 1960 | Reading About Other Women | March 4, 1960 | In Bed with a Bad Back | March 7, 1960 | Lots Advice for Aching Back | March 8, 1960 | Making out Their Wills | March 9, 1960 | Importance of Wills | March 10, 1960 | Signing of the Wills | March 11, 1960 | X Rays of Mr Pipers Back | March 14, 1960 | Blood Is Thicker Than Water | March 15, 1960 | 1958 Tax Return Audit | March 16, 1960 | Family Wedding and Reunion | March 17, 1960 | An Embarrassing Lesson | March 18, 1960 | Possible Trip to Norway | March 21, 1960 | Lesson in Exaggeration | March 22, 1960 | Income Tax Inspector | March 23, 1960 | Tax Examination Begins | March 24, 1960 |
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